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Group Project Report


In the group project we need to select a problem, and needs to be done with "bring information to life" in mind.


The problem we choose is "food wastage".


We began by brainstorming how and why people waste food and discovered that many food are thrown away due it passing the expiry date, so we decided to make a device that will remind people to expiry dates.


Philip made a paper prototype which can be put on a fridge and it shows how many food is in the fridge and how close they are to expiry date.


I iterated on this design and made a stack able and simpler version as this allows for more variety, and prototype an app that goes along with the device.


I made a video prototype and have the other members improve upon it. Yash gave us many ideas and did many research to help me with the powerpoint slides.

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The final out come is the expiry countdown. This device can be stuck on a fridge and works alongside a probe and an app. The probe work as a sensor and all the detail is displayed inside the app. In the app you can scan expiry dates and change color of the device. The expiry date will be displayed on the app and the device will began countdown (each cube represent 1 day and will slide down by one everyday) 7 days before expiry date.

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