haiku: On a withered branch A crow is perched An autumn evening
kare eda ni karasu no tomarikeri aki no kure (Matsuo, 2004, p.317)
This week's challenge is to use geometric shape and with only black and white.
I started by brainstorming different things about the haiku using Miro.

examining the haiku and discover some important themes to work with: journey, isolation, contrast, irony, death, changing, equilibrium. I wanted to make something that looks balanced but is not completely symmetrical. I then create some drafts base on the themes and objects that appeared in the haiku. The some drafts were combined and improved on.
Matsuo, Bashō. And Barnhill, David, Landis.(2004). Bashō’s Haiku: Selected Poems of Matsuo Bashō. Albany, NY: State University of New York Press
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